I was at home catching up with Cloe (for new subscribers Cloe is my beautiful wife) about another couple who I’ve helped through a very traumatic breakdown in their marriage caused by infidelity – they asked for something really interesting…
***Before I continue with this story I do have an offer at the end of the post. It’s an offer I run twice per year only.***
So back to this couple – with a young family at stake I really wanted to support them to find their truth as they were so close to the edge of divorce.
(Infidelity is one of those situation where unless the couple successfully deal with what’s happened the resentment can linger for years later – slowly eating away at the marriage.)
I shared with Cloe they were were so delighted with their outcome they asked me to support their company and new management team to a create better connection with each other and help them to bring out their core strengths to enable a more effective team.
Cloe then said “…This is so interesting so many of your clients are seeing that your skills are transferable into many different contexts.”
“Why are you keeping how you can help a secret?”
She actually has a point…
To be honest I’m very busy with marital crisis, but when asked to help I do like to apply my skills to other areas of life as I find human behaviour and getting the best out of people so rewarding.
My clients are very smart people and are able to see very quickly how the service I offer is transferable into so many different areas of life.
So they ask me if I can help them.
So thanks to Cloe I’m going to share below what people are asking for that I don’t communicate, but actually do in my practice when asked.
Life Coach
Many individuals ask me to be their life coach to help them either develop a part of their life that isn’t working where they feel stuck or help them take steps towards something they have always wanted achieve.
So many people are in a life that doesn’t match the life they should be living and this causes pain and suffering.
So the person has a choice give up and live a disappointed life or embrace the challenge and go for it.
The goal is to ignite true passion within them and lift the ceiling off their beliefs about themselves and what’s possible so they can achieve their true potential.
And live the life they were designed to live.
Executive Coach
Being CEO is a lonely place to be. Having someone to share thoughts and concerns both in business and in the their home life is critical.
Some executives are looking for help with their performance levels. Some have hidden fears that they are not worthy of their position. Some are struggling with home and life balance.
Whatever the challenge executives are asking me for a safe space to share their concerns and bring them to a strong position of leadership in all areas of their life.
Entrepreneurs: Life after exit
I have many entrepreneurs who encounter significant hidden challenges once they have exited their company.
Some challenges are in their marriage, some on their loss of identity, some challenged by a lack of life purpose.
Across the board when people have worked all their lives and they have all the money they need they can still feel empty or unfulfilled.
It’s so true that success without fulfilment is no longer the success they hoped it would be.
Dating Consultant
This is such an interesting process to help a person bring the best possible them to the minefield of dating.
I’m always so impressed when individuals call me for dating help because they clearly understand I’m seeing all the challenges that couples face because I live every day with couples in crisis.
They want a strategy to not only find the right person and avoid the problems so many couples experience. They also want the skills I teach to build successful lasting lives together once they find the right person.
Far too many people discover they are attracting all the people they don’t like and not attracting those they do like and don’t know why.
This process is very attractive to people who have divorced and hate the thought of getting out there again. It’s also been appealing those that have being dating or scared of dating and are getting no where.
Dealing with teenagers
So many couples who go through a crisis process with me, then ask me to support them with their teenagers.
This time in a young persons life is challenging and how the parents show up for the teenager is going to have a profound effect on how the child experiences their life.
Parents are usually bringing the same approach to their children only to discover the situation is getting worse.
Each member of the family needs to be understood differently so any change work is effective.
Children with different operating systems to their parents can feel isolated unloved and alone with out the oar tent knowledge.
Performance Coach
Some clients are asking me to help them to get more out of themselves either through developing their inner strengths, or helping them eliminate their limiting beliefs about themselves or what they are capable of.
This context is varied from sports to work to relationship to life purpose.
Dealing with Family problems
Family for so many people is a real challenge with so many different personalities and expectations it can put people in perceptual no win situations.
This usual ends in someone, or everyone hurt or upset.
Learning how the family dynamic must work is critical for you to take control and help everyone get to a better place.
Getting out of my unhappy marriage
If someone is stuck in a marriage that really doesn’t work for them, then of course it’s not going to be a happy place for them, their parter or their children.
In fact unhappy marriages are very destructive for children so it’s critical to make the decision to heal the marriage or not.
When getting out of the marriage is the right decision the person can be stuck consumed by guilt or beliefs that contradict their beliefs about right and wrong.
Getting over a break-up
I have seen people that are stuck unable to let go of a relationship that has ended so they live in no mans land not able to let go of the relationship or move on to a new life stage.
People can do this for years, infant some couples do this so they live in limbo neither in or out of the marriage.
Most people I help take about 4 meetings to deal with their emotions and step into a new phase of their life with more confidence and excitement about the future.
In a broken marriage stuck not sure if you should leave or not
Many people have come to me looking for help with direction. They are stuck unsure if being in the relationship or leaving the relationship is the right thing to do.
These people live paralysed and can do this for many years.
The objective is to help them create a stronger path to happiness. This could be in the marriage or breaking out and building a brand new life but with the confidence to really connect to themselves, their true essence and the life they must live.
If you have read this far you can see I receive many requests for help to create more successful lives. After all you only get one life, so why not make it one you can be proud of.
As promised below is an offer I run only run twice per year.
The offer:
This month I’m offering a limited number of couples a chance to work one on one with me to learn what it takes to make their relationship better through a deeper connection, more effective communication, deeper trust, and freedom for more passion.
It’s a 6-12 week process (depending on what’s required) to help them create a better understanding of themselves, each other with a view to creating a significantly more connected and passionate connection.
I already have existing couples that are now out of crisis signed up for this deeper dive into making their relationship purposeful, exciting and bullet-proof.
The work will commence in mid September.
It’s NOT a group event.
It is tailor made for the couple.
If you are interested please let us know or click here to find out more: The better relationship program