Stephen Hedger: A Harley Street Consultant Specialising in Helping Couples out of Crisis Step-by-Step

Stephen Hedger is a marriage in crisis specialist sought after by CEO’s Bankers, Judges, GP’s, Business Leaders, A-List Celebrities and Entrepreneurs.

He is famous for saving marriages from divorce through his tailored Marriage Breakthrough Program.

Stephen has an global audience and is looking for couples who are passionate to discover what they are capable of achieving with the right tools.

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The Marriage Breakthrough Program is uncovering for couples what they must know and do to solve their lack of connection

Stephen Hedger helps couples on the edge of divorce learn how to avoid divorce regret save their marriage and rediscover their passion so they can fall back in love again forever..

His clients learn his powerful strategies that are empowering individuals and couples to become successful in their relationships and marriages.

He is a proven international specialist for couples in marital crisis so you’ll discover what has to happen to overcome your challenges and build a successful marriage with your partner, no matter what's happened.

These success strategies are revealed in Stephen’s Marriage Breaththrough Program.

My clients are learning the strategies and tools they’ll need to uncover what they are capable of creating together.

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Stephen Hedger is currently interviewing individuals and couples for a place in his Breakthrough Programs

Stephen is limited to just 12 clients at any one time so on average it means each month he has just 4 places available so please apply here if you are interested.

Over 1300 articles written by Stephen Hedger

“He wants to leave the marriage”

Your husband has told you he wants out, he's fallen out of love, he might have suggested a separation or maybe he has left and you want to win him

“She wants to leave the marriage”

So many men come to me totally confused. His wife has communicated that she doesn't love him and wants out of the marriage, and this time, she means

“Resentment Stacking”

When a persons’ marriage is NOT turning out to be the way they hoped, they are going to start stacking resentments towards their partner. This has the

10 Steps for Divorce Prevention

I have spent many many years working only with couples who are in crisis and on the edge of divorce. What I’ve learnt during this time is what works

The Illusion That Kills Marriages

Do you know what the biggest killer of perfectly good marriages is? It’s not what most people think. Every day, couples enter my sessions believing

“Am I the problem?”

It was shocking that I ended up asking myself that question, but it led me to a thought that changed the direction of my life. Today's post is about

“Sabotaging Their Marriage – Series”

Today’s post is about a hidden truth—how people sabotage their marriage without even realising it. When a marriage isn’t working, people often turn

Success Stories

“By changing yourself, you can change a relationship… because I did!”

We were in the process of physical separation, with my husband arranging to move out at the end of the month, and I was getting legal advice on proceeding with the divorce.  On one of those distressed and sleepless nights, I came across Stephen’s website and his blog. I was fascinated. What Stephen has written […]

“There’s no hope in hell – I want a divorce!”

So what do you do when the trust is broken so badly that their relationship ends with them selling their family home and moving into separate homes? Most people would consider this the end, but this gentleman decided something different. He wrote to me to see if I could help. I wanted to encourage his […]

Marriage Crisis from Infidelity & Communication Breakdown

Today’s post is about a professional couple in the UK who decided they wanted to share their experience of their tailormade program that was designed to help them out of their marital challenges. They were in crisis due to communication breakdown and infidelity. They had 12 meetings over five months to learn how to reconnect […]

His marriage was over!

This man was in the depths of sadness; his marriage was over, but he didn’t want it to be. They had seen numerous counsellors who had all concluded the marriage was indeed over. He had lost all feelings for his wife. Due to being so stuck for so long, he had started an affair. But […]

Client responds to testimonial

I’m working with this lady, and during the session, she wanted to comment on a testimonial another client had left. As you go through today post, you will see what she wanted to say. Before you get to her words, I want to set the context. I’m not quoting her word for word here, but […]

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“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

Martin Luther King, Jr.