NEW & JUST LAUNCHED: I’m thrilled to introduce a brand-new relationship-building tool designed to help you strengthen your relationship -
His Marriage was Over!
This man was in the depths of sadness; his marriage was over, but he didn’t want it to be. They had seen numerous counsellors who had all concluded
Women are struggling, but men don’t understand why – Mini Post
I have had hundreds of sessions where a lady in a session is sharing her upset and the man is totally confused as to why she would feel this
“He wants to leave the marriage”
Your husband has told you he wants out, he's fallen out of love, he might have suggested a separation or maybe he has left and you want to win him
“She wants to leave the marriage”
So many men come to me totally confused. His wife has communicated that she doesn't love him and wants out of the marriage, and this time, she means
“Resentment Stacking”
When a persons’ marriage is NOT turning out to be the way they hoped, they are going to start stacking resentments towards their partner. This has the
10 Steps for Divorce Prevention
I have spent many many years working only with couples who are in crisis and on the edge of divorce. What I’ve learnt during this time is what works
Too many people regret divorcing once the dust has settled
Very sad divorce regret story that changed her whole life and the life of her child who had no say in her mistake; she said to me, "...but I'm
Marriage in crisis due to an affair? Learn the steps to rebuilding the trust whilst creating a brand new dynamic that future proofs the relationship.
When an affair is discovered it has the ability to create the most volcanic reactions. Infidelity has the power to shock the relationship into never
Passionless Marriage: “Sex life dying – want to know why?”
One of the most common problems couples face is a loss of passion. If you are in a passionless marriage then I’m going to share the most common causes
Marriage in Crisis? Has your partner fallen out of love with you and you want to save your relationship? Learn the steps to helping them fall back in love with you again.
Today's post is a combination of what to do and what not to do if you want to save your relationship. The first action a couple has to take to see if
“You Might Be in the Wrong Relationship… But Not for the Reason You Think…”
Many people in struggling relationships secretly wonder if there's a better future for them. I know because they tell me. And the truth? They might
Case Studies: “How Changing Your Perspective Can Fix Your Relationship—Here’s Proof”
The key to a successful life is about taking control of our perceptions so we can connect to a truth that will allow us to grow and succeed no matter
Why Husbands Are Losing Attraction to Their Wives
I have spoken to over a thousand husbands whose relationship is on the edge of collapse, and many have the same message. All these men are feeling
“This is Making Men Unattractive…”
It's clear that many men in my sessions have misunderstood what truly creates attraction and are turning off their wives without understanding why.
Why Your Marriage Feels Stuck (And How to Break Free Without Forcing Change)
The Hard Truth About Relationships Most people come to me because their marriage is in so much trouble that without a powerful intervention,
From Battlefield to Breakthrough: How to Save Your Marriage Without a Toxic Fight.
Most people who come to me for help believe their marriage is broken, so their level of hope is not high. Many will have tried to fix the problems
“Stuck in Survival Mode? Here’s Why Your Marriage Feels Broken”
I have never written about this topic before, but it's an important part of transforming what seems like a hopeless marriage. It will also explain why
The Illusion That Kills Marriages
Do you know what the biggest killer of perfectly good marriages is? It’s not what most people think. Every day, couples enter my sessions believing
“Am I the problem?”
It was shocking that I ended up asking myself that question, but it led me to a thought that changed the direction of my life. Today's post is about