Whatever is affecting your life today, from economic challenges, to relationship problems, from feelings of self-doubt to depression.
If your life is not the way it should be for you then why not? What is wrong for you, what has to change for you to be happy?
A lot of people get stuck in despair, or learnt helplessness that their lives are impossible to change and how it is today is how it will always be, or if they image the next ten years being like the last ten they hold their head in their hands in despair.
What the “Experts” say!
Many experts will tell us that change takes along time, what they neglect to tell you is that it’s the deciding to change is what takes the time, the changes itself can happen in a moment.
- Maybe this is where you are, are you still deciding to change?
Do you fear change?
Maybe you know you need to make some changes in your life, but you have no idea where to start, or even if it’s possible.
Maybe you are fearful to move towards any changes in your life because what if it doesn’t work, or maybe you are fearful that it will work?
When are you going to hold yourself to a higher standard?
Whatever is stopping from getting the life you want can be changed, but you have to want it enough. You have to want to live your life to a higher standard, you have to want to have the best of life for you, you have to want a life full of passion and adventure.
When are you going to hold yourself to that higher standard? When are you going to say “ENOUGH! I have to commit myself today to the only life I have…RIGHT NOW!”
Do not fear how you are going to get this new life or new you, just know that you want it with all your heart and trust your mind to know where to go to get the help or the information to help you.
You are on a journey called life, and so you are in charge! So what do you want your journey to be like and where do you want to go, and most importantly how will you know when you get there?
- The biggest regret you will have is not being brave enough!