I’m coaching this lady and she is confused. She says she has feelings that are real and she’s concerned if she suppresses them this will be a long-term problem.
So I asked her if she approached her thinking from the prospect that nothing is a problem how would she feel different?
How would she feel if she approached the same problem using only love as her perspective?
How would she feel if she became a wise energy looking and searching for many perspectives?
You see what this lady discovered is she has many truths because her feelings are being created by very different meanings, so depending on her focus and the identity she lives in those feelings will change.
Using only one focus only will trap her into one level of thinking and so her feelings will always be the same but this is self-limiting.
She could remain a victim and live that story and call that her truth, or she could refuse to let what happened define her.
The question is this.
Which of all those feelings is going to give her the life that will free her from what happened to her?
Many people are stuck because they keep creating the same level of thinking and this doesn’t free them from their problems at all, it simply keeps them stuck.
For every, thought there is always another perspective, another way to look at any situation and this will create a different feeling.
My advice is not to suppress the feelings, the mission is to find a far more empowering focus.