For those wanting a happy life, there is one critical thing, they must fix.
When I was first presented with the concept that a map of London isn’t London itself I nodded knowingly at what seems like an obvious statement.
But when I developed that concept into understanding that whatever is in your world is only there because you are, it started me thinking.
The concept they were trying to communicate was that our minds are constantly creating an internal map of how we experience and translate the world, but that map isn’t the same as the world itself, it’s just an internal map.
You experience the world within your mind under the illusion you are experiencing a reality, or a truth. In truth what we experience is a map of our own creation.
This means everyone is the creator of their own universe and experiences within it.
Some like what they create and some really don’t.
You experience the outside world only within yourself
You see, when you look at a person or object are you really experiencing that person or just a translation of them, your translation?
If everyone can experience the same thing differently who’s experience is the truth? The answer is none of them and all of them.
When you see a person or an object, your mind has to translate what it sees through a process using your own senses.
For example, your sight uses shapes and colour to build form from light, so the brain can convert that process into a visual meaning within your own mind.
The same goes with hearing, smell and taste, in fact, all the senses that make up a persons’ experience that is unique to them and it all happens within a persons’ mind.
So you wouldn’t be experiencing a person or object outside of yourself as that’s impossible, you would only experience a person from within yourself.
Without your mind the unique universe you have created and experience would not exist.
Let’s expand this concept into life.
They asked him – “what is it like to live here”?
I heard a story where a wise man was asked what his neighbourhood was like, this couple were relocating to the area.
The wise man asked, “what are the people like where you come from”?
They told him they couldn’t wait to get away the people were just awful.
The wise man nodded and said, “yes, they are like that here too”.
A different couple stopped and asked the same wise man the same question.
He said “what are the people like where you come from”? They said “actually we are sad to leave the people back home are lovely”.
The wise man smiled and said “yes they are lovely here too”.
The wise man knew that the universe each couple had created about how they saw the world they were going to bring to wherever they went.
This is why angry people always find a way to be angry, sad people find a way to be sad, victims find ways to be victims, you get the point.
They bring their internal worlds to the world thinking they are right or normal they are not.
Those wanting happiness and Joy must fix this first
Are you creating a universe inside you that enables you to achieve the life experiences you really want?
Bad managers of themselves will keep creating an unpleasant world to live in and will need support of some kind and tend to blame and judge others for how they feel or why their life is bad.
Some of those people rely on drugs, alcohol, addictive behaviors that take them away from their poorly designed inner universe they have created within them.
Good managers of themselves will create a universe that is pleasant where they can grow their version and vision of success.
You see whatever a person has created within their minds, they will grow it, good or bad and that will be their universe.
So unhappy people think that’s the way the world is, when in truth it’s just the way their world is as they created it that way.
This is why successful people like Henry Ford said the famous quote.
“If you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re probably right.”
Fortunately, no matter what world you have created so far, understanding this is the first step to personal empowerment and lifelong changes.
Many people are now working with me on Personal Empowerment as a life foundation or first step to creating a successful relationship.
If you need help with this, let one of my team know.