The most intelligent people on the planet are the ones who are the most curious and so below are some important questions to ponder.
These are the people that are not going to accept that what they know is enough and so are driven by a need to grow through learning.
The most intelligent people don’t ever finish school because they are life long students of this human experience.
“The unexamined life is not a life worth living” is a well known quote.
Here are some important questions as they will affect your life experiences.
- Do you know what creates your feelings? With feelings being such a powerful driver for a persons life decisions would knowing what creates them be important?
- What is it that creates attraction? How can you keep your attraction alive if the formula for creating it isn’t understood?
- What do you value and how does this affect your life experiences and direction? Do you know your top values and why they are so critical to know?
- What is it that drives your partner and how is it different to your drivers? How can you positively influence someone if you don’t know what drives them?
- Do I experience reality or just my illusion of reality and what does that mean? How do you translate the world and is it in a way that empowers you to gain the best life possible?
- How do you know, who you are? Are you living the identity that will bring you happiness and do you live the same identity for every part of your life, if so what is the cost?
- What do I do if my partner experiences love differently from me? Most people give their partner what they themselves want. Your partner is going to be different from you do you know what that difference is?
This is a short list of some of the life questions a person must know if they are going to navigate life successfully.
Remember the only difference between the successful and the unsuccessful is their thinking so it’s important to get it right.
So discovering what else don’t I know that is affecting my life could be important to become curious about.