Could today be the day when you say, Enough Is Enough! That day happened to me. I was sat in a marketing job, bored of trying to help companies sell stuff to people who were really not interested in buying them.
As I day dreamed of a different life, my thoughts usually went to those people who really make a difference in society people like firefighters, nurses, surgeons, soldiers and police officers. For me they are wonderful they really do make an amazing difference and most are so under appreciated.
For me their value far outweighs their reward financially.
They work with people in real trouble and they save lives, some even put their own lives on the line to save others.
These amazing people are everywhere…
They have decided on their life mission. They have created a life purpose based on their passions and they went for it.
I knew in my heart that’s what I needed to do? I needed to find my life purpose. My reason for being on this planet.
How could I contribute to the world, how could I help others, and even save lives?
Fast forward many years and here I am helping couples understand the steps they need to take to maneuver the mine field of personal relationships.
Do I save lives? Many children are the unseen victims in relationship break ups and so when a couple is reunited those children get not only to keep a mum and dad they get to learn from mum and dad how to build a successful relationship.
- That is worth gold to parents.
Most parents biggest pain is knowing their children are learning how relationships work from them. Many parents know their relationship is a disaster.
Humans are at their happiest when they are growing, so…
- Is your life needing a change?
- Do you have a life purpose?
- Do you have a life mission, a quest you could look back on from old age and be proud of you?
Many people are stuck in their lives and can’t see a way out? Do you wish you could speak to someone about your thoughts, someone who could point you in the right direction and help you plan your steps to fulfilment.
Well, that’s exactly what I had, I went to a life coach and he opened my eyes to my life and how I felt about me and what I could achieve.
That’s exactly what I now do every day for individuals and couples.
If you are interested to learn more please don’t hesitate any more, take action and claim back your life.
Take action call me today!