If you want to get control over your life and relationship then this is critical to understand because what you are about to discover will change your future.
Imagine a fast-moving car, and now remove a control such as the steering wheel and watch how the car reacts to the road changing direction with pot-holes, going faster downhill, slower up hill, bashing itself as tries to go around unexpected obstacles, and after a while eventually crashes.
When you consider how irresponsible that situation is because of the danger to others, I want you to now imagine that the people around you, are that out of control car with no way to steer and they are crashing, hurting themselves and others. I know that you have seen or experienced this as people looking for happiness have come in and out of your life and left their mark on you or those you care about.
So if you are not in control of you, what is?
If you are given no way to understand how you work and why, then the world or others will decide your future and who knows what might happen, no one wants to be out of control, but the problem is most people are and they don’t know it.
Moment to moment we are reacting to the world and what’s in it. Every second the world around us changes and our states tend to change with those events.
Our “state†or “how we feel†is our reaction to that world and others, so you might at any given moment experience anger, depression, happiness, anxiousness, relaxed etc.
These feelings are what we call our “states“.
Our state at any given moment is the sum of all our past experiences, our values for living, the rules that govern those values and our beliefs, combined with our physical / chemical health.
So have you noticed that the same situation can create totally different reactions in either yourself or others on different days?
For example you may spill something one day and just clean it up with out a thought, but if you are feeling ill or stressed that same situation will just send you into anger as you feel in that moment the world is against you.
IMPORTANT: What’s important to know is our state is the start of us giving any situation a meaning and our meanings are the start of our decisions and our decisions are what craft our destiny or futures.
So if someone is out of control of how they feel just like the car they live everyday in total reaction to the world. These people will be out of control, but think they are normal and so they create a future that will hurt them, some might end up turning to substances to change their states some may seek help.
- For example this is why people love drinking so much, in an instant they feel happy and their fears disappear, they will use drink because they don’t yet know how to create the same states themselves without it.
Who is likely to live this way? Most of the population are living this way.
Most people don’t understand even what a value really is, but they have set-up values without knowing.
They also don’t know they have designed rules for those values, they don’t know that they have negative values, again set up without knowing and these are stopping the positive one being met. They don’t understand yet that the order of how they meet their values will change their world dramatically.
And any of you that are in coaching with me will be nodding knowingly that this is just the start.
No sane person I know would agree to step into a car not knowing how the controls work and then expect a 80+ year journey to be crash free.
To make matters worse most people get into this car and don’t know where they want to go either.
Now they are lost and out of control, and this creates states of fear that comes out in may destructive ways some small and hidden and some out there for all to see.