We all know that to master anything, there has to be continuous and unwavering practice.
We all know that mastery of anything can take years of learning.
So if we know this, why do so many people jump into relationships thinking they know what it takes to be married for life.
Why do couples not consider that without mastery of their marriage, they are gambling their whole lives?
50% chance of failure, and for those that do stay together, many have just settled.
We all know people that are unhappily married, and in my position, many come to me saying our friends and family think we are the perfect couple, they would be so shocked we are in crisis.
We dare not tell them the truth.
Some are so consumed by their own happiness at the start of their relationship, so they cannot connect to the problems they will face.
Some think that love is some mystical force that either you have it or you don’t, so they see it as a sign of the end when the love goes.
Being married for life is a skill that must be learned, or the marriage will be open to many distortions.
Couples that don’t master the basic foundations are building their family and their wealth and health on quicksand.
Couples are not naturally supposed to know what these foundations are.
These foundations are not needed at the start of a couple’s relationship, but they are critical if the couple is to succeed in building a life together.
There are foundations all couples must know, and there are critical unique foundations specific to each couple as their dynamic is unique to them.
The core of mastering relationships for life is honouring the energy the couple must understand, create and look after if they want lifelong success.
Mastering the ability to bring the right energy within ourselves to bring out the best in our partners is a skill very few possess.
The natural energy many people bring to their marriage is what kills their connection with each other.
In many cases, the combination of two misunderstandings will create a disconnect.
- A persons poor understanding of how to bring the right energy to themselves.
- A persons lack of understanding of how to bring an energy that will bring out the best in their partner.
In addition there are behaviours that are normal and natural that also kills the energy of attraction.
A lot of couples problems can be reversed once they have understood these the foundations that will support a healthy life together.