I know many people believe that passion for couples dies with time.
It only dies if the couple stops bringing this energy into their lives.
You see, the energy that creates attraction doesn’t age, but it does need energy.
If attraction, passion and daily intimacy is part of a couples life, they will keep their passion alive.
Couples that don’t feed their relationship this energy of intimacy will lose this part of their lives together.
For many couples, this can create resentment, and for some, the end of the road.
When couples add playfulness to intimacy, it creates yet another critical level of connection to keep the marriage safe.
Marriages without intimacy and playfulness can religate their connection to being friends.
Many people are not happy to sign up to just being friends, so this critical area of a couples life must be a priority.
What’s interesting is many people think that affairs are driven by sex.
The truth for many people is they are looking for care, kindness, closeness, love, playfulness, excitement, exhilaration, freedom, to name a few.
These are all energies couples can keep alive through letting go and exploring, and making this area of their lives a priority.
Intimacy and playfulness keeps a marriage safe, so it’s essential it’s a focus.