This is a basic skill without it your relationship will suffer. Anyone entering into a relationship or in a committed relationship today needs to ask this question quickly…. “how can I add value to my relationship”
In other words the question needs to be “what can I give?”
Anyone going into a relationship with the focus on “what am I going to get” will discover their relationships are problematic and their intimacy dies quickly as a result.
So giving and contribution to the relationship is critical because from this place growth is possible and you need this to keep the relationship alive.
Many people believe they are giving in their relationship, but what they will discover is they are giving what they think their partner wants which could be totally different to what they really want.
This is frustrating for both people.
One thinks they are making loads of effort the other doesn’t agree.
If you can discover what your partner really needs to be happy and your mission is to contribute to their happiness then your partner will feel amazing about themselves and attach those amazing feelings to you.
You become a source of fun, passion, love and an exciting person to share a life with.
Isn’t that what you really want?