A few weeks back I offered over 9000 readers of this blog the opportunity to speak with me for free. The call would last 30 minutes and would be my thoughts on their relationship challenge.
When the email invitation went live all available slots were taken in just under 90 minutes.
I spent the next 10 days speaking with all these individuals about their relationship challenges. My goal was to help these people learn how they could quickly make a difference in their lives with new perspective. The objective was to quickly empower the individuals to see a path to a better future.
These are a few of the challenges that presented themselves to me on these calls.
- Some people were stuck wanting to learn how find the right person after their divorce.
- Some were stuck not sure what to do with an emotionally absent partner.
- Some had lost their sex lives and were not sure how to get it back.
- Some were unsure if they wanted to even be in their relationship.
- Some had suffered serious illnesses that had affected their connection.
- Some were stuck with partners who were having affairs and refused to stop.
Some of these clients were kind enough to share their thoughts with me after their call. I have picked a few of the comments to share with you so you can read their thoughts on what can happen in just 30 minutes.
Many callers then requested help either through further paid for calls, or face-to-face meeting in Harley Street.
If you are interesting in how to get a call with me about your relationship challenge please see details at the end of this post.
Their words….
In a short phone conversation, Stephen was able to quickly get to the heart of what the real issue was in our marriage – and why in almost a year of working on our marriage including 10 weeks of marriage counselling through a relationship therapy organisation, we weren’t really making any progress. I found Stephen to be extremely perceptive, as well as empathetic to our situation, while being able to quickly pinpoint the real sticking point in our marriage.
Many thanks
Dear Stephen
I was delighted to secure a free half hour with you today. I wasn’t disappointed. I found your advice incisive and insightful. It has given me lots to think about although it confirms what I already knew. I really appreciate your time and will book to see you to explore further.Best wishes
Dear Stephen
Thank you for your time today, it was much appreciated. For the first time in months I feel positive about my marriage. I have always feared counselling, thinking it would involve digging over the past, and facing up to difficult truths. I found your approach refreshing, but also achievable. I will try very hard to hold onto the advice you gave me, and use it to build a happier future for myself and my husband.
If we find we need further help on the road to recovery, I will be in touch.
Thank you again.
Dear Stephen
Thank you for your time to listen to my experience in my marriage. You gave me encouragement to speak out to my partner in confidence. You made me realise that sometimes the way we make comments on each other can aggravate the situation and make it worse. Your advice made me feel revived.Kind regards
My call with Stephen this week was incredibly helpful. Whilst I was aware of the problems my husband and I are experiencing and many of the reasons for them, I couldn’t quite imagine how we could possibly ever solve them as they have been present in our relationship right from the outset.
Stephen made me see that, despite that, there is a really good chance that we can overcome them simply by re-writing our particular script (one which has been playing on loop throughout our relationship) and learning how to be our authentic selves with one another.
I came off the call feeling positive and optimistic that Stephen would be able to help us either resolve the issue or, if it became apparent that it is simply a problem the two of us cannot overcome, then at least help us to accept that and make decisions on the future of our relationship based on it.
Stephen clearly has immense understanding of the way men and women interact and vast experience of helping couples through very difficult issues.
He certainly inspires confidence.
I have been reading, browsing, lurking on the site for awhile now trying to fathom a win-win way out of my situation. I had done some 1 to 1 therapy before which helped. Stephen’s offer of the phone-call and the potential for a ‘free’ series of sessions seemed too good to ignore. I promptly booked a slot and wrote up the initial form.
Its now been a couple of days and I guess the process has permeated through me a little more. The process was helpful in two ways:
1. Doing the form, helped me articulate what was going on and maybe I should use this as an opportunity to create a diary. I don’t know as I do not want to dwell on the negative, which I fear it could turn into.
2. The conversation itself with Stephen. This a two-part ‘win’ as I often wondered what he sounded like and now I know! Secondly it allowed for an external perspective (admittedly biased as it was only one point of view) on my situation. Stephen also articulated using different words and language, which in turn helped me better understand what I was going through. Having it said back to me, has allowed me to better appreciate that I am at least 2 different people in this relationship – one with my children and another with their mother.
I can also carry this awareness into my day to day, which is helpful so I can recognise when I am turning into something I don’t believe is my authentic self.
I am sure that the outcome of the conversation will reverberate a little more over the coming days as things come up, but it was really useful to have a sounding board and a better articulation of the way the relationship is working.
So, in summary, thank you very much for your time and effort Stephen, its much appreciated and I believe that despite being only half an hour, it has helped me see some light. To be honest just having someone recognise, acknowledge my true self, was good enough after been continually told I am next to worthless.
If you want Stephens perspective on your relationship challenge?
One phone call with Stephen will allow you to gain a fresh perspective on your challenge.
- To book please click here