I have put together a list of some of the behaviours I see and hear that are likely to cause relationship problems. Yes I did run this list yesterday, but it’s so important to understand. I know some of you missed it!
- Couples tell me that love is important all the time, yet when challenged their love is clearly conditional. “I won’t give love unless…they do, or I feel safe, or I feel important, or I feel respected… the list goes on!”
- If I give to my partner, what will I get in return? If anyone gives to get, they are trading for what they want and this is guaranteed to kill their sex life dead!
- Couples think punishing each other works? Yet it never occurs to them that whenever they are punished they don’t feel more love, so they are killing the relationship bit-by-bit.
- Couples don’t create a plan or a direction for their lives together past having children. They then become fearful because of the relationship because it’s going no-where.
- Women repeat the same message to their partners over and over again hoping he might understand – he won’t his way of thinking is totally different to a womans.
- People spend years getting trained to get a job, but no time understanding how to create a successful relationship. Strange when not being loved is one of the top human fears.
- Couples spend average of £15K (average price of a wedding in 2011) getting married and no time or money understanding how to grow it and keep it. Without solid foundations any home will fall down in a storm!
- Couples with relationship problems worry about the cost of getting relationship help, but will spend £10,000’s – £100,000’s on a divorce and on-going maintenance fees for years.
- Men think that when she’s quiet all is well. He is usually unaware he is living with a live volcano, that will erupt
- Some women think he’s a mind reader and should just understand her.!?
- Couples understand what values are, until you ask them.
- Men think that the power in the relationship is the money, for her it the least important.
- Polarity is the most important element in any relationship, yet no one knows what it is!
- Reverse polarity most common reason for killing a couples sex life.
- Many couples have little idea how to meet each others core needs and then wonder why the intimacy dies.
- Number one reason for divorce, loss of intimacy!
- The individuals most resistant to seeking help are usually the ones that need it the most.
- Men and women are totally different. Most people know this yet don’t understand it so they ignore it.
- Many people go into relationships to get their needs met! Then wonder why their needs are not met. There are givers and there are takers, only one of these works.
- She thinks he is ignoring her because he no longer loves her. He doesn’t know how to be successful with her so he stays away to protect the relationship.
- When the relationship stops meeting the needs of the couple, they automatically go outside the relationship to feel good again.
- I don’t know what to do to save my relationship so the best action to take is nothing.
- It’s all about me! – Guaranteed path to relationship breakdown.
- Relationships should be a natural thing and so if we are in conflict, clearly we are incompatible. After 5 failed relationships and a trail of kids this model might come into question.