A lady in her 70s was talking to a young woman who was curious about what it took to make a marriage really work.
This lady had been married for over 45 years and this young woman could see the care and the kindness in their energy with each other.
Both her and her husband seemed very much in love.
This young woman wanted with all her heart to experience that kind of love in her life.
She wanted the dream, her dream to grow old with someone. Someone who loved and adored her, someone who would do anything for her.
She shared that wish with the wise lady who warmly smiled at her and said “the secret is very simple.”
“Every day I wake up and decide to love my husband.”
So she made her love for her husband a daily decision, a daily focus.
Her love for her husband was a conscious daily act, not something that’s just assumed or taken for granted, but really valued.
So every day she experiences love, because she gives it.
She added
“…no matter what was going on, no matter the struggles and the problems and we have had many. I never went back on my promise TO MYSELF and to my husband to love this man every single day for better or for worse.”
She then said with a smile “this isn’t really a secret it’s just not what most people do.”