People in unhappy relationships can find themselves being tempted into affairs.
To them, the affair has magically solved the unhappiness problem.
The excitement, the thrill, the energy, the addiction to all those chemicals – However, I have not met anyone who wants to keep their marriage, has said the affair was worth it.
Because it isn’t.
The cost is significant, and no one understands this before they take a step they can’t take back.
So with affairs, consequences are rarely front of mind, but to win the marriage back, they will meet the stark reality of months and months of trauma they have created.
As someone at the sharp end of dealing with the fallout affairs brings, I can promise you they are not a solution to anything.
So STOP yourself from being tempted. It will significantly complicate your life.
NEVER enter into an affair; either end the marriage or find out why it’s not working.
You are better off being honest about how you feel with your spouse before an affair and then find out if rebuilding your relationship is possible.
Remember, after the affair is discovered, rebuilding the marriage could be off the table, so it’s a dangerous roll of the dice.
Stay in control of your integrity and do the right thing.
If an affair has happened and it’s been discovered, please make the affair the last lie because your partner may not cope if they have to keep rewriting history.
Discovering more lies only adds to their trauma.