Does Relationship Coaching Work? This is question I get asked by many new callers who are interested in coming to coaching sessions with me.
It’s an interesting question because there are many factors involved in the successful outcome of the sessions.
The process that creates the change
- The first is my total commitment to making change happen for my clients.
- Someone who does want change to happen, but fears the change, will need a really good reason to making that shift and so leverage is required through understanding the real cost of not changing, whilst moving them towards something far more attractive.
- The client also has to practice what the sessions teach, so an equal commitment to applying what you learn is also critical to help you change. Whilst the coaching is accelerated learning for the mind, the client has to reinforce the sessions with constructive behaviours taught in the sessions to undo destructive behaviours potentially practised for years.
- The clients who come to the session and don’t practice what they are taught take longer to change.
- The clients who are totally committed to changing their lives apply all they learn in the sessions and so shift their perspectives and lives really fast.
Are you ready to change and commit to you?
Any client can make a change really fast, what takes the time is the deciding if it’s really safe to make the change they desire.
Coaching is designed to help the client(s) see their path way to a change, understand the cost of not changing and help them experience what will happen if they set themselves free from their fears. Coaching also helps people experience their fears differently so the fears have a massively reduced impact.
- Coaching is powerful, emotional, challenging and sometimes confusing as new perspectives on life are built. You will discover more about you than you ever knew before. You’ll discover how you work and how to get the best out of you and those around you.
Coaching pulls no punches because it tells you the truth, but it also supports you every step of the way to a far stronger you, freeing from your own fears.
Still not sure?
For those of you still wondering if you are ready to make the change you know you need to make. Your fears today are an outdated illusion, they were set-up by your mind to protect you from something in your past, but they are now outdated and instead of rebalancing your life they will only limit you, that’s why you are unhappy today always feeling that something is wrong.
- Deep inside you, you know that’s true!
I have seen clients who have lived with outdated fear patterns for 50+ years who are now rebuilding their lives and living the life they were born to live, minus the distorted view on their world driven by their fears.
- You don’t need to live that way get in touch today!