In my last post I focused your attention to one of the keys to building a healthy successful marriage.
That focus was on the ability to repair the relationship when things go wrong. It is normal for all relationships to have problems, what’s key here is what happens next?
Does the couple resolve the problem and grow closer through understanding, or is a hidden resentment the outcome?
Resentments are powerfully destructive in relationships and so communicating, understanding and forgiving each other is critical for relationship harmony.
If a person in a relationship struggles to forgive their partner for the wrongs in their relationship, that person is actively blocking the repairing process.
Blocking the repair process will be important to that person to create protection on some level, but the question is this, what if their desire to create protection blocks their ability to build a successful bond with those that are important to them?
You see forgiveness is one of the keys to a lasting passionate relationship.
We all make mistakes and so it’s important to be in the place where we work together as a team helping each other through the ups and downs of life.
Relationships are a place to ‘give’, if that doesn’t happen in the way your partner wants, the relationship will start to struggle.
So if you are a person that is ‘for-giving’ in your relationships. Make sure that giving extends to your ‘forgiveness’.
Without the skill of forgiveness you won’t repair and this will lead to emotional detachment, loss of respect and could lead you both to the end of the relationship.
In this place the person who can’t forgive can complain they have lost all their feelings for their partner. Those feeling have not gone away they have just shut them away to protect themselves.
Many individuals come for help and those that choose to break-though their personal fears reconnect with their feelings and successfully reconnect with their partners.
These people learn the power of forgiveness and free themselves to experience freedom and love.
Love is what most people want, but without forgiveness it will struggle to be honest and true.
Many people repeat this pattern and only seek help when they see what they are doing.
If this sounds like you, don’t wait for multiple relationship failures you deserve love today.