The way to stop your arguments is to understand them and know how potentially destructive they are being to your relationship.
Those that try to win arguments end up paying a bigger price
Many people have a destructive illusion that trying to win arguments is their goal because if they do win (whatever that means) what happens is they are left with an unhappy partner, and this equals trouble too.
So there are no winners in arguments. If you make this your goal, you’ll generate a partner that will never be the one you want, because you will be resented and that can eventually lead to a relationship break-up.
Fears block understanding
Your goal in a disagreement is understanding, but the reason couples don’t focus on understanding their problem is because all they see is trouble, and then they fear a future that might be generated by the argument, or they fear the future that created the argument..
That future could be a split, lack of respect, being controlled, never being free, being abandoned, or rejected,…this is potentially a very long list.
From these places of fear, the couple aggressively go round in circles trying to fix what they believe to be wrong, but they do it through blame, or defending their words.
The reason they go round in circles never getting to the answer is because what they are fighting about is not their real problem.
Couples try to fix the wrong problem
It’s like trying to stop a tap leaking by closing the front door. Yes it’s as ridiculous as that, but couples don’t know this and they keep slamming that door expecting the leak to stop, but of course it never does.
- Moaning, blaming, defending, shouting, making your partner wrong, judging them. Have you ever know this to be the route to a loving unconditional relationship.
Start understanding and get good information fast
If men could understand that their women are shouting at them because they don’t feel safe, or if women understood that the reason men run away is because they never feel they can make her happy, then the relationships would be so much easier.
Of course this is a huge simplification of any conflict, but just understanding this will start to help you understand that there is an underlying intention behind anyone’s words or behaviours in an argument and taking them literally is dangerous for your relationship.
Understand your partner now!
Relationships have to be learnt just like any other skill. Thinking that long lasting unconditional relationships are natural is also a dangerous illusion. Nature only ever intended the sexual attraction to be real. The rest of what we believe a relationship to be about is made up by man, that’s why after the initial sexual buzz that was automatic, we have to now make lots of effort to keep our relationships alive.
- If your partner is shouting at you, know that they fear something, so shouting back is only going to make them more worried.
It’s likely that their shouting is a cry for help, and they want you to help them which is why they are shouting at you.
You might feel good when you are right, but be careful that you don’t end up being right and alone.