There are 3 key pillars to getting couples to a safer loving connected life together. This dynamic and educational approach is unique to my specialist marriage in crisis service.
Step 1: Help both people discover their true essence.
Their true essence is the place where fulfilment is possible. It’s so important that individuals learn the steps to reclaim themselves. When relationships become destructive both people change and this process is very painful and emotionally exhausting.
It’s so challenging to solve a relationship problem if two people are empty and exhausted. It’s far easier if both people are free to be themselves.
Step 2: Breakthrough the initial challenge
From the position of both people now in a more resourceful state and emotionally stronger we can then look at the truth in the relationship and learn why their problems were created.
Understanding where it went wrong and why, combined with relationship building tools gives the couple confidence to be successful with each other.
This part of the process is about looking at problems from the position of security rather than stress, fear and worry.
Step 3: Making sure it lasts
Breaking through the initial challenges is such a relief. They feel they can be themselves again with their partner and they have understood what they both did without realising that caused destruction. They have both taken responsibility for the past and now their focus is the future.
This step is about learning how to maintain their connection and the passion so the relationship remains alive. The couple at this point need to learn how become a team and create a future that excites them both so they are invested in each other.
You can’t get to step two without understanding step one and step three would be impossible without step one.
Many relationship books talk about the importance of self discovery before you embark on a relationship, but very few actually show you how.
In my session I teach my clients how…
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