I remember as a child, in my first ever game of hide and seek, I closed my eyes because I thought if I couldn’t see them, they won’t be able to see me.
I remember the embarrassment as it dawned on me how ridiculous that was – the laughing at me accelerated the realisation, but I was four.
But here is what’s interesting about only seeing the world from your own perspective, like I did as a child.
How many partners are doing this by not taking their partner’s feelings seriously?
In their world, if the relationship is ok from their perspective, then their partner shouldn’t have those feelings because everything is fine – according to them.
As a 4-year-old child, I didn’t know any better; how was I to know to consider seeing the world from other people’s perspectives was important?
But you’d think grown adults would understand their own perspective isn’t the only one that exists or matters.
Just because one partner isn’t feeling bad, upset, disconnected or lonely it doesn’t mean their partner isn’t.
When a partner says I’m struggling, I think we are in trouble, and we need professional help.
Never ignore them, I’ve seen so many people who have ignored their partners and six months later their partner has given up and left them.
Now they are in the fight of their life trying to win them back (that’s the point they call me).
You see when those cries for help are ignored, they will quickly feel their feelings don’t matter to their partner and this is not good at all.
Their thinking might go something like this.
“If my feelings don’t matter then you don’t care!“
“If you don’t care then clearly you don’t love me!“
“If you don’t love me what am I doing here with you?“
To be honest, feeling alone in their feelings is probably one major reasons why they need the help.
So NEVER ignore the call for help even if you don’t agree or feel the same way, please trust them they can feel danger coming within themselves.
They are trying to protect the marriage, but the window of opportunity will close.
So please STOP seeing the world from your perspective because unhappy partners who are ignored do tend to leave.