I have to say, I can’t blame them… How many times have we heard that we have to work at our relationships. Do we listen to these words and think FANTASTIC I can’t wait, or do we shudder at the prospect. I mean it’s not an attractive prospect is it, at best it’s boring…
Isn’t the word “work” a suggestion that it’s going to be a labor, tough, hard, or something we do in return for something? Where does unconditional love fit in here?
Plus what kind of “work” are they suggesting. I’m a Relationship Coach and I’m not sold.
How about this…
If you were to take constant actions to do something, and it made you feel great, would you be more likely to do it?
Of course you would… If you enjoyed it would it feel like work? Of course not.
I help men and women discover how to change their behaviours so they can become successful with each other, once they get over the initial fear of doing something new, they embrace their new skills with both hands, quite literally in many cases.
You see getting a relationship to be successful is not “work” it is fun, but only when you know how.
It’s only work to those who have no idea what they are doing and so it’s the trial and error small successes and big failures that feel like hard work.
You maybe successful at creating a relationship that feels wrong, but here’s the good news, you know that what you practice consistently works. So all you have to do is practice something different and that will work too.
When you learn how to help your partner feel great about themselves in the context of you then they will stop at nothing to help you feel amazing about you too.
I know for a fact that when men learn the secrets to how to make their partners happy they will stop at nothing. When women learn what their men really want then the fun can start all over again…
No work, just fun and intelligent behaviours designed for relationship growth and lasting passion.
Interested, give me a call.