If you want an amazing relationship full of passion one that will last, what has to happen? Today I am going to share with you one tip that will make all the difference.
This is the thing that most people fear doing and most of us are conditioned not to do when relationships get tough.
The secret is to become the best partner you can be today, no matter what you believe your partner has done to you.
I assume if you have a relationship that you want to keep it? So how attractive do you think you are to your partner when you pull your love away?
Relationships usually work in the opposite ways to what you think, so be brave and become the person you want to be NOW. Don’t change who you are due to your fears, stay strong and become someone who no matter what, can stay focused on who they are.
If you are a loving person give love, if your partner has done something that has hurt you, it is very likely that you have very little understanding of their behaviours, you have not had their life or their upbringing so you are not qualified to judge them so…
Rather than judging them love them in times that they feel pain and understand this. Very often we hurt those closest to us, but the real message is that they feel safe to be who they are with you and they are telling you they want help and they trust you to be that help.
Love is always the answer. So give it unconditionally and without fear. Most of us want unconditional love, but we are too scared to give it. Your relationship will suffer if this is you, remember you don’t love to receive love, you love because that is a part of who you are.