Those wanting help with their marriage/relationship fit into three core categories. Even if you are currently single this is critical to understand for your next relationship…
I call these…
Level One
Level Two
Level Three
Level One Relationship! – Guaranteed destruction
In this place either one or both people in the relationship are focused on themselves and what they are not getting from their relationship. It highly likely that neither really trust each other to create a future that feels good.
When anyone in a relationship makes the relationship about “ME” it deteriorates quickly as fears for the future are ignited and problems such as affairs become possible.
Level Two Relationship – Passionless/stale
In this place one or both people want to meet each others needs, but will only do so if they are getting something in return.
This is a “trading relationship”. Couples can last in this place, but it creates a relationship based around conditions. This doesn’t feel very loving and so resentment is created as the couple needs are not met and so the relationship takes a back seat and life takes over. This kills the joy, playfulness, passion, intimacy and so the myth that with time the passion in relationship die become true.
In essence the relationship can feel safe but, stale and boring.
Level Three Relationship – Fun/passionate/exciting
This is a very different relationship. In this place the couple put importance on the relationship as a key part of their life. This couple understanding each other needs and makes them a priority. This couple understands how to grow their relationship at the point of conflict.
In this place the bond will grow stronger and the couples intimacy will become a big part of their lives again.
- If you are interested to learn more please click Relationship Help