To those of you I have had the privilege to meet and to those I have yet to meet I want to wish you and your families a wonderful Christmas and a New Year that’s full of all you desire!
As this year comes to a close and we all reflect on what’s happened, I wonder where your mind takes you. I wonder if this year 2011 has been your year, or maybe you plan for 2012 to be your new start.
Whatever journey you are on, setting yourself up to win will be my focus for all my readers in 2012.
So what do you want to change when you enter 2012?
What has to change in 2012 for you?
Let’s plan to make 2012 the best year yet…
So as you start to wind down easy in the knowledge that the plan for the New Year is to Plan For Success, safe in this knowledge, you can now turn your mind to a time to rest, to recharge, to love those you love and to give to those you care for.
For now the plan can wait…
My very best wishes to you all
Stephen Hedger