When you consider the life you really want to have, the relationships, your career, your friends, houses, cars, holidays, money what springs to mind?
As humans we always have to grow in every area of our lives, because if we are not growing we are dying. So if you consider that to be happy, every part of your life has to grow, or it will become stale and die, you really have no choice, but to decide to take action or to not.
So what has to happen for each area of your life to be ok for you?
This is the point when people become scared to dream because they are afraid to want something just in case they don’t get it. So they limit, or down play their true potential.
- The reason this happen is because they ask the wrong questions
The real question is what sort of person do I have to become for my dream life to be a possibility? When someone considers what they have to change about themselves to get the life they desire i.e. become more confident, more knowledgeable, more valuable, more courageous, this focuses them to a different place of growth for them, rather than a big impossible mountain to climb.
Successful people in this world start off practicing being the type of people who have money, who have amazing relationships, who have powerful careers long before they ever got to their goal. If they had practised being poor, or lacking in confidence they never would have had any success.
So when you consider the life you would really like, what sort of person do you have to be become today?
To understand how to create this new you, you must understand how behaviours are generated and how if you decide on a life direction you will end up being fulfilled and happy.
There is one clear way of achieving this and that is by understanding how you work and the real power you have to influence yourself and the world around you, if only you could free yourself from your fears of not being enough.
If you want freedom to be the person you really want to be, in the life you really want to live, then understanding you is your first step.
- I run one-on-one courses to help individuals discover who they have to be. If you are interested please let me know. Click here